On Top and Rising

Monday, August 28, 2006

Progressive Church Planting: A request for progressive church links, news?

Progressive Church Planting: A request for progressive church links, news?

Great Resource of websites!! Remember evangelical is neither a right thing or a left thing. It is seeking the lost for the Kingdom of God!

The Free Methodist Church in Canada...our stories: How our stories change lives

The Free Methodist Church in Canada...our stories: How our stories change lives

Pastor Siebert placed an outstanding article as it relates to general church planting. It is realistic and a must read for all who feel called to this work!

Church Planting 101

So you want to start a church!! Great, however, even with the support of a large denomination getting folks to know you exist can be tough. One way of driving interest is by creating a website. I have appended an excellent example of one using the meta link. Having a website. Even a basic site like a Blogger page can help you.

Ok so you have a site up and running now what?

Well, begin by engaging in chat rooms that cater to you geographically or match you theologically.

You can append the website to invitation cards to drop on neighbors doorsteps.

And you can include the website in your voicemail as well.

You would be amazed at how few churches let alone start ups have solid web pages.

Ok what if you have no idea have to make a web page? This is where having friends helps. Tap your network of buddies to see if you can find the competency. If not there are vendors that will do this for you.

Regardless of how you get your website up it is critical that you have one online. It should be the second or third thing on your list as you move your vision to launch.

On Top and Rising will write on current trends within the Evangelical Chrisitian Communities. Look for postings soon!!