Being Niched
I recently read a great blog posting by Chris Taylor that challenged me to think about the niches we belong to. Particularly in the church. I have linked to the article below. Niches in large contexts are hard to form and even harder to sustain. Maybe that is why Gen X'rs can commit to any church for long periods of time but can commit to a small group for years. Why?
Well we were not brought up to commit to a group. Think about it.. we were the last generation that didn't have a schedule and the pressure to perform. Our elders and their talking heads say we don't care enough to commit. That we are the mushy middle. But are we?
I think we do care but that rather than follow the talking heads. ( Rev Falwell, Dr. Kennedy......) We have chosen to find our path ourselves.
During my seminary studies I was shocked at how few of us were there. I was one of three in my class. And we certainly were discouraged from deviating from the party line. I learned the most in ad hoc small groups. Challenging each other around a common love of theology. Occasionally the talking heads who taught us got in the way but we were able to really hammer out our baptism there.
In the emerging church, the mega church will collapse into small micro church's. Which may choose link with a denomination or ministry or not. The larger church will become event driven in that community will be found in a coffee shop study and not in a weekly worship. People will come together for well put together large events and they will choose. So say I like Dr. A.R. Banard ( I do I think he is great!), but don't want to join the church. You can wait for him to tour through or you can go to a camp meeting.
But Pastors of mega church's beware. We in the emerging church are not 'joiners', don't look for us to be in the parking ministry. No we won't partner (read tithe) to a specific ministry. BUT you have to find a way in small contexts to get to know us. You are just going to have to do this. Link
We started our church in a hotel and then moved into a poor location. As a result of the unpopular location we lost members and support of the church. As we retain our committment to the call of discipleship and church growth, we have redesigned our ministry to renew as a micro-church.
We are a mission/outreach focused ministry. During our rebuilding process former members are returning and we are reaching out to a world of unchurched and non-member believing christians. The micro-church causes us to focus on the true call of Christ and His purpose to the world - winning souls! We will retain our new status until God tells us differently. The large churches are focused on events/programs as a method to underwrite their bldg/funding cost. Most carry staff and responsibilities non present in the micro church. Thank God for both entities. Both are needed. Hopefully, the mega, large, formal church is reaching its target as well as the micro-church is focused on its goal.
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